L Penn
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Thoughts on reviews, life and other stuff...
I'd like to think I'm a simple, natural, and thoughtful person, and when I say my books aren't for, easily troubled, namby-pamby individuals, I mean what I say.
Not everyone's love life is the same, and while certain reviewers compare my characters' love life in Missing Him to their own, and generalised view of 'this isn't a norm', it does leave me baffled. The snobs who believe others should think, feel, and live like themselves, come across staggeringly elitist. I mention this because of two very interesting and contrasting reviews I received for my second book from Ruty B ReadingDreaming, and Romi Reads Goodreads.
Needless to say Ruty B nailed my novel, Missing Him, to a 'T', especially the line where she says; "so you can put your judgy opinions in your pocket". I'm not saying no to criticism, I gladly welcome it, but if you're expecting my work to mirror anything Eighteenth Century-ish, steer clear of Missing Him. Albeit different, my book refuses to pull its punches in this modern day tale and I'm so glad it takes a step away from the well-trodden path. Oh, and there are NO spelling mistakes! According to my 1956 Collins Dictionary, Word, and Kindle Previewer, everything is spot on so I've no idea where that dig came from.
Still wanna try something new? Go on, take a look at Missing Him, just don't expect your usual, 'rose-tinted-specs' fare.
Again, I thoroughly enjoyed Steph Warren's review of my book Missing Him. Check it out in full below:
The Quote she used from my book in her review was a playful jokey scene at the breakfast table between Jack and Emery and not intended to be taken literally. Still, I loved her take of the characters and the strength in my words. Brilliant!
And my goodness, Susan Hampson, what a stomping review. THANK YOU!
And thank you to everybody who wrote one, favourable or otherwise.
COMING SOON!... Information on non-fiction title, BALD - Diary of a Female Bouncer : a revealing new book taking you behind the eyes of a woman doing security at London's nightclubs. Ouch!

A wolf in sheep's clothing? Naaaah!